The Children's Academy Frederiton
Designated Early Learning Centres

Before & After School Enrichment:
Program Overview for children 5-12yrs
We understand that children's needs change as they grow and develop into young adults. School aged children are encouraged to be active and enjoy themselves after working hard at school. We visit parks as often as possible-sometimes everyday in Summer, and offer fun and interactive activities for both inside and outside.
Our after school enrichment program consists of 1 group of up to 15 students
Program Goals
•Provide a safe, enjoyable and engaging environment
•Maintain emotional health and positive self-identities in an atmosphere based on trust, security, and respect (for optimal learning)
•Continue to build self-confidence through the further development of self-help skills and independence.
•Assist in maintaining a positive self-image through independence and healthy peer relationships.
•Encourage participation in all aspects of the program while still allowing free choice of activity with open ended materials
•Reinforce the development of strong self-esteem by valuing each child as an individual
•Encourage development of socialization and peer relationships through group activities •Strengthen motor skills through sport and physical activity (ex. Sports at the park, Frisbee, soccer, etc)
•Allow freedom of creative expression
Room Design
•All toys and equipment readily available and within reach of children
•Children’s art work and projects are displayed in the room and will be highly visible
• Multiculturalism is promoted through teaching materials and displays around the room
Areas of Development & Key Experiences Play (Playful Exploration)
Cognitive/Fine Motor Skills
•Improve fine motor skills and Hand-Eye Coordination through specialized activities
Creativity & Crafts
•Encourage creativity; drawing and creating items from the imagination
•Use of a wide variety of materials for creating
•Praise individual accomplishment through art work Dramatic Play
•Promote Imaginative Play
•Promote the development of strong peer relationships
•Continue to model proper behavior
Circle Time Language Development
•Encourage children to participate in singing and storytelling
•Open discussion on theme of the week (not strict: child-lead)
•Story time/ re-telling of stories about recent personal experiences
•Introduce new and engaging activities
•Demonstrate expressions and feelings through words
Science & Nature
•Cause and effect
•Participation in experiments
•How we care for the environment
•Outdoor Excursions Gross Motor Movement & Music
•Enjoy different music and dance from around the world
•Promote health and safety
•Development of strong and proper large-muscle movements and uses through physical activity
•Promote awareness of one’s body (limits and flexibility) through physical activity (ex. Sports and kid’s yoga)
Social Responsibility, Respect and Democratic Practices
•Acknowledge difference among peers, facilitate an understanding and acceptance of difference
•Facilitate negotiations between children when problem solving
•Model respect and appropriate ways to treat others (individual rights)
•Model sympathy and empathy, encourage children to support and comfort others
•Encourage an understanding and respect of property and materials, and sharing space and materials with others
•Continue to practice self-control