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Establishing the New Normal

First and foremost, I would like to thank to everyone for their patience as we navigate through these changes and adjust to our new normal. While not all these precautionary measures will necessarily be permanent, they are currently in place and must be followed as closely as possible to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Due to the new guidelines that are currently in place, our centre will not operate in the same manner as it did prior to the pandemic. Childcare is an essential part of establishing our new normal and with this comes risk. It is critical that everyone follows the new guidelines and takes the additional health and safety measures seriously. This Operational Plan will describe how we will be addressing the risks associated with reopening our centre and it will outline the expectations and requirements for all persons entering our centres.

What This Means for Us

There will be important changes in how our centre operates. Some of these changes will be temporary, adjustments will be made as needed and as instructed by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer and/or the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

There will be a temporary change to our hours of operation. The change in hours will be reassessed as needed and will return to normal as soon as we feel it is possible. Our hours of operation will temporarily be changed to 730am-5pm. This change is due to our new opening/closing procedures and additional cleaning and sanitizing that is required. We apologize for the inconvenience that this change may cause.

For the time being we will no longer be combining groups for opening and closing times. We will need to have one of the educators in each class open for their group in their classroom, the other educator will close their classroom at the end of the day. This change in opening and closing procedures will mean longer shifts for our educators, even with the reduced hours. Our goals in reducing hours is to allow the educators adequate time to complete the additional tasks required and also to minimize the increase in extra hours and workload on our staff. We are extremely grateful for the hard work and dedication of our Educators. Our educators are taking on a great deal of extra work during this already stressful time and we feel making their shifts too long will have adverse affects on the educators and on the centre as a whole.

According to WorkSafe NB, our educators and their environments are higher risk than other workplaces due to the inability to practice social distancing while caring for young children. It is our prerogative to reduce risk by implementing the following Key Strategies.

Key Strategies

Please carefully review the following summary of key strategies to prevent and control COVID-19 spread. This list has been copied directly from the document provided to us by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

• Strict exclusion of children or staff who are sick with 2 or more of the following symptoms: fever or signs of fever, new cough or worsening chronic cough, runny nose, headache, sore throat, OR new onset of fatigue, new onset of muscle pain, diarrhea or loss of taste or smell, a child displaying purple fingers or toes even as the only symptom. If either of the above criteria is met, those who are sick must stay home, contact 811, and cannot return until fully recovered. If tested, Public Health will inform the individual or parent (when a child is involved) when isolation may be lifted. • Note: Children or staff who have been identified as having seasonal allergies or who suffer from chronic runny nose/nasal congestion are not required to be excluded. • Any person arriving from travel outside of New Brunswick must self-isolate for 14 days at home, monitor for symptoms and avoid attending ELCFs and Day Camps. • If a staff or child of the ELCF or Day Camp tests positive for COVID-19, Public Health will identify who the close contacts are and manage the outbreak with respect to Public Health measures and communication. • Staff are encouraged to remind children to practice good respiratory etiquette such as covering the mouth and nose with a disposable tissue or the crease of the elbow when coughing or sneezing. • Staff and children must practice good hand hygiene. • Increase access to handwashing stations and hand sanitizer. • Enhance regular environmental cleaning of the facilities including high touch surfaces. See Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures for more detail. • Items that cannot be easily cleaned (e.g. stuffed toys, play dough, puzzles) must be removed. • It is recommended that facilities not prepare/provide meals or snacks for children, and that parents provide food for their children. For facilities that prepare/provide meals and snacks refer to the food section in this document. • Reinforce "no sharing" policies. The practice of not sharing in the ELCF or Day Camp will support the efforts of reducing virus transmission between children. • Respect physical distancing.

Pick-up & Drop-Off Procedures We are strongly encouraging that only one designated adult per family be responsible for the drop-off and pick-up of the child/children at the Centre. Should it not be possible to designate only one adult to pick-up and drop-off daily, a second adult may be designated.

Any adults needing to enter the Centre will need to be screened.

What to Expect when you Arrive When you arrive at our Centre you will see signs on our doors. These signs will have instructions for the pre- screening process. Each of our classrooms has an Entrance/Exit. Until further notice we will be using the doors which lead directly to each classroom rather than using only our front doors (this is to avoid having to walk through other classrooms). All doors will be clearly marked with the name of the classroom and pre-screening instructions. The doors for the Junior Toddlers and Senior Toddlers (babies & twos) are at the back of the building. There is parking out back at each building which can be used by parents who are accessing the centre via the back doors.

Pre-Screening Process

Upon arrival at our Centre please call our main number (provided on the signage). Should there be another family waiting outside at the same door, please remain in your vehicle or practice proper social distancing and respiratory etiquette. If you need to enter the classroom when you arrive, please notify the educator when you call. We have a supply of disposible masks that are available for parents to use

Detailed, step-by-step instructions will be provided at the end of this document.

Below is a copy of Appendix A as provided to us by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health. This document will be kept on file and must be completed each day.

When you call, you will be asked the following questions:

  • Have you, or anyone in your household, travelled outside of Canada, or New Brunswick, in the past 14 days?

  • Have you or your children had close contact (face-to-face contact within 2 metres/6 feet) with someone who is ill with cough and/or fever?

    • Additionally, for those parent/caregiver clients with direct patient contact work, such as Health Care Providers (HCP): “Have you had *close contact with an individual who is a suspect COVID-19 and you were not wearing proper Personal protection equipment (PPE)?”

  • Have you or anyone in your household been in contact in the last 14 days with someone that is being investigated or confirmed to be a case of COVID-19?

    • Additionally, for those parent/caregiver clients with direct patient contact work, such as HCP: “Have you had close contact* with an individual who is a suspect COVID- 19 and you were not wearing proper PPE?”

If the answer is yes to any of these above questions, or if you have a fever, you may not enter the centre.

Screening Process

Prior to entering the Centre, staff, children, the adult bringing the child into the facility or others deemed essential (e.g. EECD or ASW staff) must be screened. The Screening Questionnaire for COVID-19 is below. Screening will include temperature checks of all persons, with a non-contact thermometer (i.e. infrared).

Following pre-screening, those exhibiting symptoms will be advised of the following:

Strict exclusion of:

  • children or staff who are sick with 2 or more of the following symptoms: fever or signs of fever, new cough or worsening chronic cough, runny nose, headache, sore throat, new onset of fatigue, new onset of muscle pain, diarrhea or loss of taste or smell


  • a child displaying purple fingers or toes even as the only symptom

If either of the above criteria is met, those who are sick must stay home, contact 811, and cannot return until fully recovered. If tested, Public Health will inform the individual or parent (when the child is involved) when isolation may be lifted.

Post Screening Pick-up & Drop-off

When you and/or your children have been cleared to enter the Centre, you may meet the Educator at the door to drop-off your child/children. You will meet the educator the door which leads directly to your child’s classroom. Doors will be clearly marked (as noted above, the doors for the junior and senior toddler classrooms are at the back of the building). Children will be required to sanitize their hands before entering the centre. The educator will prepare the child for their day, removing coats/shoes, etc, and putting away the child’s personal items. We ask that Parents do not enter the centre unless necessary. Please have the child’s personal items ready to pass to the educator at the door.

When packing your child’s bag, bring only essential items such as food, cutlery (if needed), bedding, extra clothing and a water bottle). Please have everything stored together in one bag (or one bag plus a lunch box) so that is it easily passed to your child’s educator to hang up in your child’s designated cubby space. Please note that we will temporarily not be able to reheat or heat any lunch items for children at our centre, this includes items such as soup, kraft dinner, leftovers, or frozen entrees such as Michelina’s.

At the end of the day you will need to call in to be screened again. Children’s bags will be packed, and they will be dressed and can meet you at the same door through which they entered. To reduce risk, please do not enter classroom space unless absolutely necessary.

The health of staff and children will be monitored throughout the day and temperatures will be taken and recorded every five hours. Please note that while strictly enforcing staff health is essential, this could result in child spaces being temporarily closed if adequate numbers of staff cannot be maintained due to illness. Child-to-staff ratios must always be maintained to ensure child and staff safety.

Additional Requirements

As per the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of New Brunswick, records of household members for each child attending their facility will be updated. Each Family will be contacted prior to our opening date to confirm this information, and to confirm that the Operational Plan was received. At this time we can also answer any questions you may have about these new policies and procedures, you may also email us at if you have questions or concerns regarding any of these new policies.

Record Keeping

A log will be kept for each self-contained group. This log will include the names of those in the group and date the group was established. Should a parent need to enter our centre, the parent will need to be recorded on this log as well. This log is created and stored in the event that Public Health may need it for contact tracing should there be any future cases of Covid 19.

Enhanced Sanitation

Routine disease control involves following a strict cleaning and disinfection schedule to help limit the contamination of the environment. Increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces is significant in controlling the spread of viruses, and other microorganisms.

All surfaces, including those general surfaces that are frequently touched, including door knobs, handrails, light switches, taps and hand sanitizer dispensers will be cleaned at least four times a day by designated persons. These items as well as toys and others hard surfaces in classrooms will be cleaned at least four times daily by educators and additionally as needed if soiled. Toys that children may put in their mouth will be rinsed with potable water after they have been cleaned and disinfected.

Toys which are not porous, but which are difficult to clean due thoroughly (e.g. Lego or small cars) will be soaked in bleach or approved sanitizer rather than wiped down. Soaking these toys will help us to ensure that even the small parts are properly sanitized.

We are removing items in each classroom that are difficult to sanitize and are limiting the number of available items. Please do not be alarmed if the classroom materials appear limited. Please understand that this has been done purposefully for the safety of everyone at the centre. Most of the toys are stored safety out of reach so that educators can properly sanitize items that have been used. Children will still have access to a wide variety toys and materials but not all at once. Toys will be limited but rotated as needed. We will also be utilizing the outdoors as much as possible with staggered outside times and will be going for walks around the centre as well.

Additional Measures

Unfortunately, at this time all of our summer fieldtrips are cancelled until further notice.

Additional Resources for Guardians & Educators

Detailed Pick-up & Drop-off Instructions for Parents/Guardians:

1. When you arrive at our Centre please park near the entrance that leads directly to your child’s classroom. Preschool and after school doors will be clearly labelled at the front of the building, senior toddler and junior doors will be clearly labelled at the back of the building.

2. Please call the number provided on the signage on the door to speak to an educator in your child’s classroom (the main number for our Centre).

3. You will be asked the pre-screening questions.

4. Once cleared, you may proceed to the door. Please note that only one person is permitted at the door at a time. If another parent is at the door, we ask that you remain in your vehicle or practice social distancing and respiratory etiquette.

5. An educator will meet you at the door for the pick-up or drop-off of your child and their belongings.

6. If the you child’s class is using the playground or outside when you pick-up/drop-off, please still follow the above procedure and your child’s educator will be asked to bring them inside to wash their hands and gather their belongings.

7. We ask that only the children enter the classroom unless absolutely necessary. If you need to enter the classroom, please notify the educator when you call.

8. We have a supply of disposable masks available to parents who enter our Centre.

9. If you have more than one child and have children in different classes, this process must be completed for each child. We apologize for the inconvenience, but educators and children are not permitted to move between classrooms.

10. Children’s hands will be sanitized upon arrival and departure with a hand sanitizer containing the required amount of alcohol. Please note that handwashing will be the primary method of hygiene during the day as hand sanitizer is not recommended for excessive use with children due to the alcohol content.

Additional information & Reminders for Guardians:

1. Although this may seem monotonous, if you or your child is sick or has a fever please stay home.

2. Please speak to your child about the changes we are making in their classrooms and speak to them about their teachers and classmates. For many children returning to childcare could be a stressful and difficult transition. Speaking to your child about returning to the centre will help them prepare for the change.

3. Please remember that we will not be able to heat up any meals at the centre. The microwave is shared, and we are not permitted to move between classrooms.

4. Children’s water bottles can no longer be stored at the centre. Water bottles will be sent home daily and will need to be returned.

5. We are no longer permitted to provide extra snacks for children who may not have enough to eat during the day. Please be sure to pack a few extra snacks, some days children eat more than others.

6. Please do not send any toys from home, especially stuffed animals. We are not permitted to have stuffed animals in the classroom. If the child knows that it is there and they can not have it, it will make it more difficult for the child.

7. Please ensure that containers and especially water bottles are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

8. Some guardians have asked if their children can wear masks while at the centre. As per the guidelines provided to us, children under the age of 2 can not wear a mask. Guardians of older children may provide a mask for the child to wear, but the child must be able to remove the mask themselves for safety, particularly if the mask was to limit breathing. If you are supplying a mask for your child, please understand the limitations of our educators in terms of coercing children to leave their mask on. At no time will we attempt to force a child to wear a mask.


Resources for Educators

Provided Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

· We have a supply of disposable masks, reusable protective eyewear (safety glasses) and disposable nitrile gloves which are available for educators to use on a daily basis. These masks can we used at your discretion. Each educator will be provided with a pair of the reusable safety glasses to use at your discretion.

Classroom Preparation:

Educators will be preparing their classrooms prior to our opening.

· Access each child’s profile and contact parents to confirm return date, update contact information and confirm details for all personals living in the household.

· Clean out each child’s cubby area and have items stored together in a clear plastic garbage bag to return to parents (remove anything left at the centre excluding indoor shoes and diapers).

· Ensure that cubbies are clearly labelled. Part time children will no longer be sharing cubbies.

· Ensure that Pick-up & Drop-off procedures are clearly posted on your classroom door.

· Ensure your hand washing station is set up at your classroom door.

· Use materials provided to create a personal “Busy Bag” for each child in your class. This bag includes materials used for centres and crafts so that each child has access to their own personal items (meaning none will he shared).

· Remove cushions, extra blankets and soft (plush) toys.

· Remove porous items that are difficult to clean/sanitize. Ex: books, puzzles, games with cardboard or paper components, play dough, sensory bins, etc.

· Sort and store all small toys/centres in containers on shelves or out of reach so that access can be limited in order to allow toys to be properly sanitizer after each use. Toys will be rotated throughout the day rather than having multiple items available for use simultaneously.

· Update your classroom cleaning list to include all items which you plan to rotate for use in your room over the coming weeks/months. This list will be used to create your classroom cleaning and sanitization list.


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